Being productive is non-negotiable in the work environment. No employer is willing to pay an employee who is not contributing to the progress of the organisation.
As a young professional, there are times when work can be demanding with a lot of meetings to attend to and deadlines to meet while looking to develop yourself in your chosen career path to stay relevant. Juggling all of these together can be really overwhelming at times.
And in this dog-eat-dog world where competition is stiff, you cannot afford not to learn ways to increase productivity despite having so much to do. This is why young professionals need to learn productivity tips to stay ahead without losing their minds.
Let’s check out these productivity tips for young professionals.
Also Read: How to Get Ahead at Work as an Introvert
Productivity Tips for Young Professionals
1. Focus on a Task at a Time
I know it is generally accepted that you are at an advantage when you can multitask. In fact, people include this as a strength in their job applications.
You are probably wondering why I started with this and thinking I’m about to condemn it.
No, I am not, because I recognise it as an important skill to have. If you do, kudos to you; it is always a plus.
However, it is not for everyone; not everybody can multitask. And if you can’t, there is no reason to beat yourself over it.
One of the best things for productivity is to know yourself and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Stop trying to be somebody else and maybe, you’ll be more productive.
I say that to say you might be more productive when you focus on a task at a time instead of trying to do two things at once.
So, if you find you function better that way, then use it; complete a task before moving on to the next.
Try focusing on a task at a time and you might just be more productive at work.
2. Prioritise Tasks
Prioritising tasks is a great way to make your time productive. Trust me, when I say it will save you from a lot of stress.
Along with multitasking, many people unfortunately try to juggle all their tasks together, making them overwhelmed and exhausted.
Instead of doing that, consider categorising your work based on priority. You may focus on the harder tasks first or the ones closer to the deadline first. That way, you will be able to improve personal efficiency and productivity without breaking down.
3. Avoid Procrastination
Have you heard of the saying, “Procrastination is a thief of time”?
If you haven’t, now you have.
Yes, procrastination is a terrible habit that many people unfortunately struggle with. Particularly, if you are struggling to be productive at work, check it, procrastination may be the culprit.
When you keep pushing your tasks forward, you will not be able to achieve much.
The best way is to complete your tasks when they are due – and that’s the moment you think about it and know you should.
Don’t push it to tomorrow as it leads to an accumulation of undone tasks, which will ultimately overwhelm you and make you unproductive.
4. Take Breaks
This tip is very essential if you want to be at optimum productivity in the workplace as a young professional.
We are not meant to work continually without rest; our body needs rest so as not to eventually break down.
Besides that, taking breaks helps your brain relax so that when you resume your task, you are refreshed and ready to continue.
It also helps to reduce stress, maintain energy, and reduce fatigue – basically improving your general well-being.
So, don’t hesitate to take breaks between work. You can take a stroll, stretch or even take a nap.
5. Have a To-Do List
Having a to-do list can never be overemphasised, it is why some people are so productive while others aren’t. It is especially important if you have a number of things to do but are scattered.
Having a to-do list helps to organise and provide a form of structure for tasks so you can keep track of completed tasks and those which are yet to be completed.
Creating this list will also gear you to want to complete your task for the day or the week depending on how you want it and not procrastinate. Having a to-do list serves as a reminder for you to complete an uncompleted task.
So if you want to be more productive at work as a young professional, creating a to-do list is sacrosanct.
6. Set Time Boundaries for Tasks
One of the major productivity tips for young professionals to note is to set time boundaries for tasks.
When you set time boundaries for tasks, it will help you minimise distractions and focus on your work knowing that you planned to be done with that task at a particular time.
But you must also be disciplined about staying true to the time set if you really want to be productive at work.
7. Keep Your Workspace Organised
Maintaining an organised workspace is key when you want to be productive in the workplace.
It saves you a lot of time and energy otherwise required to search for things when the tools you use for work are in their rightful place. That way, you can easily reach for them when you need them.
Having an organised workspace has also been said to have a profound effect on your stress level. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety and improves your focus, mood, creativity, and mental health.
8. Leverage Technology
Technology is here to make us work faster and better. This is why you should leverage the use of technology to increase productivity.
There are thousands of tools that can assist you in carrying out your tasks effectively. They can help you manage your time, prioritise your tasks, set reminders, and automate your tasks. If your role requires repeated tasks, you can use automation tools to handle that.
These tools will help you carry out your job automatically once they have been set to do so.
9. Never Stop Learning
You need to continually develop new skill sets that make you stay at the top of your career, keep up with industry trends, and keep abreast of what is going on in your chosen field, so you can function in your role better.
If you don’t have the time for a physical class, consider taking courses online through any of the online learning platforms.
You should also find time to attend training and industry conferences as much as you can.
10. Prioritize Good Health
There is very little you can do when you are not feeling well and your productivity level automatically drops. Ensure you have time to relax, see a doctor or engage in activities that promote good health.
Aside from your physical health, you should also be mindful of your mental health and avoid stressors.
11. Limit Distractions
Distractions are a culprit to productivity, so make sure to do away with them.
For instance, tackle the main culprit by turning off all unimportant phone notifications during work hours. You can also go further by blocking certain apps if you know you don’t have the discipline to stay away. For instance, I use an app block that runs during work hours to block social media platforms and keep them from opening.
You should also avoid office discussions that steal into your time. Of course, you can have conversations during breaks or when you are free. But when you have things to do, focus on them and get them done first.
12. Learn to say ‘No’
Knowing when to say ‘no’ to tasks that are not part of your job description is very crucial for your productivity as a young professional.
When you don’t know how to say no, you would take on more than you can attend to. You may even have colleagues transferring their jobs to you.
Unfortunately, many people take people like this for granted, so you need to protect yourself.
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