Someone was arguing with me about the need for feminism and advocating for women’s right and he said feminism is not the answer, Jesus is the answer.

Of course, I totally agree with him.

Now, I understand that we live in a world with different kinds of people with different beliefs and orientation and so that is why we subscribe to some universal solutions like feminism.

But in the real sense, all these things outside of Christ would only provide temporary solution. Christ is the only permanent solution.

The reason why there is so much perversion, disorder and chaos in the world today is because we are constantly trying to remove the manufacturer from the picture.

It is not possible to operate a product without the manufacturer’s manual; we will make a mess of things.

In the same vein, we cannot operate the world without the creator of the world and expect anything less than chaos.

Many of us have probably read the story of a little girl whose father (a preacher) gave a map of the world that was broken into pieces to fix in order to keep her busy but she finished the task in a short time.

He was surprised and asked her how she was able to fix it in such a short time and she told him there was a picture of Jesus in the back and all she had to do to fix the world was to get the image of Jesus together in the centre.

This is where the phrase, ‘out of the mouth of babes,’ fit perfectly.

The world comes together in order when Jesus is put at the centre.

If Jesus is in the centre of a man’s heart, he would know that he is meant to love his wife. And that includes but not limited to being faithful to her, helping her, being a good father to the children, caring for her, protecting her, making her the first in his heart and treating her simply as Christ treats the church with so much unconditional love.

What we have these days are men in the church telling you how their testosterone is different from that of women. It brings to question how Jesus, Paul who were never even married kept themselves when a man who is married and has a woman is excusing his greed to be with other women on testosterone.

We guess Paul didn’t have one. Or we see men treating their wives like trash and using their headship as excuse. It makes me wonder when they have ever seen Christ treat the church as trash because He is the head.

Christ even died for the church so He has every authority over the church but He still humbled Himself so much He washed the feet of His disciples.

A man who has not done anything to even achieve the headship, who got the position because someone else gave it to him would want to lord it over his wife and he would boldly use the Bible as his guide.

If Jesus is in the centre of a woman’s heart, she would know she is meant to love her husband and submit to him and that includes but not limited to being faithful to him, caring for him, being a good mother to the children, nurturing him, supporting him, making him first in her heart after God and simply treating the way the church treats Christ with reverence.

What we have these days are women who are obnoxious and use feminism as bedrock. We have women who have decided to pay men back in their own coin for all the years of injustice done to them.

We must have forgotten how Jesus forgave the men who killed Him even though He was their creator and came to die for them. We find women who have not done one-quarter of the sacrifice Christ did for the Church but believe they are entitled.

We find women whose husbands do all for them but they are still not satisfied because woman A, her neighbour has a particular thing and she must have it.

Jesus was homeless but was still the greatest man to ever walk the face of the earth. It is not in the accumulation of wealth but in the value.

We can see simply that the problem we have is that we have not made Jesus our all. We would not need to be talking about all we are talking about if the church steps up and emulate Christ.