You know when people say God is a mysterious God … they are right. Psychologists have tried to study man and group his behaviour into different personality types. But even they can admit there is still a lot of work… Continue Reading →
I had an argument with a guy a while back and the reason for the argument is that the guy was questioning how David should be termed righteous after all the atrocities he committed, so much so David was called… Continue Reading →
I could not explain how it crept on me but it did. Here I was, in church, chatting on WhatsApp when others were busy worshiping. It dawned on me how much I had drifted away. It was unheard of that… Continue Reading →
I have heard too many times about how love is all that matters in a relationship and you can marry an unbeliever as a Christian. I wonder where that fallacy came from. The worse is when the proponent of this… Continue Reading →
Life is full of ups and downs, it comes with the territory. And sometimes, these problems seem really difficult to surmount. We all can relate. And I personally, have come to accept that we cannot run from these things. They… Continue Reading →
I was living in sin consciousness for many years. For many years, I grappled with sin because I wanted to please God and I wanted to make heaven, so I literally tried to avoid sin. After I gave my life… Continue Reading →
Someone was arguing with me about the need for feminism and advocating for women’s right and he said feminism is not the answer, Jesus is the answer. Of course, I totally agree with him. Now, I understand that we… Continue Reading →
I have never been motivated by money. A lot of people, of course, do not believe me and more would not after reading this and that is fine. You are entitled to your doubts. But for me, that is my… Continue Reading →
I heard a testimony some time ago and I heard it first hand, not from a third party. I saw who it happened to. According to the guy, he served in the University of Ibadan for his youth service corps…. Continue Reading →
I watched “God’s not dead, 2” few days ago and when the homicide detective was called to give his witness, it reminded me of an argument I had with someone. According to that someone, he believes in God and knows… Continue Reading →
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